
Music & Worship

At Roxboro Baptist Church music is an integral part of worship. There are opportunities for everyone to discover how to use music as a personal expression of faith and as a means of leading others in worship. The following are descriptions of musical activities that take place here. As you read through them, please consider if one or more of them might be a way for you to use music or some other creative art as part of your spiritual journey and ministry. We encourage you to contact our Minister of Music, Mike Moose, with any questions you might have or to get more information. 


Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is the main choral worship-leading organization in our church. Open for singers from high school age to adult, its central role is to support congregational singing in worship experiences and to present choral anthems that enhance worship and provide for a time for congregational reflection. This group also provides uplifting programs of music and musicals for special seasons of the church year such as Christmas and Easter. The Chancel Choir meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:15.


Handbell CHOIR

The Handbell Choir, consisting of ringers from high school age to adult, enhances our worship experiences with the beautiful sounds of our five-octave set of Schulmerich handbells and three-octave set of Malmark handchimes. This group has traveled to state handbell festivals and played in other churches in addition to its periodic appearances in Sunday worship here at Roxboro Baptist Church. The Handbell Choir meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:30.


Children's Choir (K-5th grade) and Preschool Choir

These choirs are designed to help our children learn how to sing and understand music, and how they can use music to worship God. Through activities and discussion, they also learn about spiritual concepts and how to apply what they read in the Bible to their lives. The children provide music in Sunday worship on occasion. The groups offer unique opportunities for adult leaders to invest in these precious lives. The choirs meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:00.


Soloists and Ensembles

There are always opportunities for vocalists and instrumentalists of all ages to share their musical abilities with the congregation in worship to God as soloists or in ensembles.

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Guest Musicians

The church, on occasion, hosts guest musicians and groups. Some past appearances include Pepper Choplin, Janna and Greg Long, Anne Basden, Brittany Booth, and the North Carolina Baptist Singers and Orchestra. In addition, the Community Choir of Person rehearses here, and the church sanctuary is the site of its annual Christmas concert each December.


Extra-Musical Arts

From a desire to find creative ways to help people connect with God, we continually seek opportunities to incorporate extra-musical expressions such as visual arts, dance, interpretive movement, and drama into worship.